What Do You Need to Know About Scaling and Root Planing?

Scaling and Root planning are performed by dentists for providing deep cleaning. This treatment is primarily given to people, including children, with gum diseases or periodontal disease. Patients have questions like is scaling and root planing in El Paso essential for me? Our dentist Dr. Jim Bowden is a renowned pediatric dentist with a specialization in orthodontics. Patients with gum diseases can reach out to the dentist and get proper treatment done in time to prevent further deterioration. Here we share pertinent information on this treatment and how it is useful.
What is Periodontal Diseases?
Periodontal disease happens when plaque remains on the teeth for a long time. The acids and bacteria in plaque are responsible for causing inflammation of gums, and eventually, it starts pulling away from the teeth. It results in small pockets formed between teeth and the gums. With time, plaque, food particles, and bacteria fill the pockets destroying the teeth supporting small bones. If the issue is left unattended beyond many periods, the patient may lose his tooth. It is essential to consider that periodontal disease has no cure. Getting scaling and root planning in El Paso and done can avoid further worsening of the problem.
What Happens During Scaling and Root Planing in El Paso?
Depending on the severity of periodontal disease, the dentists remove tartar, plaque, and other debris from below and above the gum line. It is done by using handheld instruments like curettes or dental scalers or by using ultrasonic instruments. The tooth roots and gums are numbed before starting the procedure. The patient may have to visit the dentist in El Paso for multiple sittings as the procedure is performed in small areas at a time. After numbing tooth roots and gums, the dentist starts with a scaling procedure. After removing plaque and tartar, the next step is root planing.
Root Planing:
In Root Planing treatment, the dentist smooths over the rough teeth edges and related areas as it helps prevent further deposits of tartar, plaque, and debris after the completion of the scaling process. Our orthodontics in El Paso finishes the procedure by injecting doxycycline in the gums to ensure prevention from further infection. The treatment takes one to two hours to complete.
Is Scaling and Root Planing in El Paso Painful?
They might be slightly uncomfortable but not painful. The patients may feel the sensation of their teeth getting vigorously scraped and scrubbed. Since this treatment helps them stay prevented from periodontal diseases getting worse, it is a small price to pay.
Visit Our Dentist for Scaling and Root Planing in El Paso:
If you are looking for Scaling and Root Planing in El Paso, seek an appointment today with Jim Bowden DDS. Our dentist is a specialist in pediatric dentistry who is also an orthodontist and gets the best treatment done for you and your kids. For more information call us at (915) 600-6053 and schedule an appointment today.