Is Winter the Perfect Time for Braces or Invisalign?

The holidays can be a time for giving and that includes giving your teeth a new look! Whether you're an adult or a kid looking to improve your smile, winter might be the perfect time to start Invisalign or dental braces. In our previous blog, we have explained 5 reasons to consider orthodontics treatment in El Paso. Let's take a look at why this season could be an ideal time for orthodontic treatment.
5 Reasons to Try Orthodontics in El Paso During Winter:
Cooler Temperature:
Winter is the perfect time to begin orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists suggest that this is an ideal season to start because of shorter days and cooler temperatures. During winter, our bodies are not exposed to extreme heat for long periods of time, meaning our teeth do not experience as much pressure from temperature changes. You keep your body warm and comfortable at this time of the year.
Fewer Activities:
Winter is also a great season for orthodontic treatment such as dental braces in El Paso because there are fewer activities taking place during this time of year. With fewer sporting events, vacations, and school obligations, you can focus on your orthodontic treatment instead.
Less Stress:
Winter is also known for being a slower time of year, which means you can take things at your own pace and focus on taking care of yourself without the stress that comes with a busy schedule. This is especially beneficial when it comes to orthodontic treatment because it gives you the time and opportunity to get used to the discomfort that can come with braces or Invisalign.
No School Activities:
Kid's dentist in El Paso suggests that winter can be a great time to schedule appointments with an orthodontist. With fewer school activities taking place during this time of year, you can take your time adjusting to your new look without worrying about having to attend social events or participate in other school activities with braces or Invisalign.
All things considered, starting braces or Invisalign during the winter months is an excellent idea for both kids and adults alike, as per Dr. Jim Bowden, a leading child dentist in El Paso!
With fewer worries about school days spent with metal brackets on their teeth and more opportunities for sports activities (for kids) or special holiday getaways (for adults), there are plenty of reasons why winter may be the perfect time for orthodontic treatment! If you're considering this option for yourself or your child, go ahead and book that consultation today with Dr. Jim Bowden, a renowned name in orthodontics in El Paso! Who knows... you could get your dream smile just in time for New Year's Eve!